Thursday, June 20, 2013

Nursing Job :)

Throughout high school and college, I always worked during the summer, saved up my money and then used it throughout the school year. The beginning of this year however, I knew my college graduation was approaching and I really wanted to have a job lined up for April. Given that I already had my RN license, I could even work a little during the semester if necessary. Dan and I discussed whether we should go back to CT or stay in Rexburg for the summer, but we decided to stay. We felt it would be difficult to find a nursing job in CT for just the summer months, while here I could work year round while Dan finished up school. As much as I would miss going back, I felt like this was the right decision for us. I applied online to the hospital here in Rexburg and I was positive that I would hear back, get called in for an interview and work there. Weeks passed and I never heard anything. I brought in my resume and letters of recommendation to HR. Every day I checked the hospital website for job openings. I was so excited when I finally saw a new job posted that I was qualified and brought in a cover letter. HR seemed really positive and said that I would probably be hearing from them next week. I waited and waited and never heard anything. When I called to follow up, I heard the position was filled. Meanwhile, I had a phone interview for another nursing position in town and then an in person interview. I was really excited since it was at a company that I had wanted to work at for years. I never heard back from them, which they explained during the interview would indicate I didn't get the position. I was really sad. It was so frustrating because I wanted to be able to use my degree and work as a nurse, but pretty much all the open nursing position wanted experience and I didn't have that. I applied to lots of different nursing jobs online, but didn't hear back. At this point, I decided that I should just try to get any job so I would have something. I interviewed for a lifeguarding and swimming instructor position as that had been my summer job for years. The morning that Dan and I were leaving to go back to CT for his birthday, I got a call from the pool with a job offer. I was really happy since I at least had a summer job. A few hours later (while we were driving down to SLC airport), I finally got a call from one of the nursing jobs that I had applied for! They wanted me to come in for an interview. I explained that I was going out of town, and scheduled my interview for as soon as I got back. It was a home health and hospice position. My interview was on a Friday and I felt like it went really well. The nurses who interviewed me were really nice, funny and commented multiple times how well I would fit in with their other nurses and that the patients would love me. Given how things went, I would have been confused if I didn't get the job (since everything was so positive) but I still didn't want to totally get my hopes up. On Saturday and Monday, I went to training at the pool. On Monday when I got out, I was excited to see a missed call from an Idaho number and a voicemail. I listened to it and it was the home health agency telling me to call them back about the position. I did and I was SOOO happy when they offered me a full time nursing position!!! Yes!!! Finally!! I've been training with other nurses who work there and after next week, I'll be on my own. I just feel SO blessed to have this job!! I really like it, all the people I work with are awesome, the hours are flexible and it's perfect that it's full time (the hospital positions I applied to were prn, meaning there were no guaranteed hours but rather I would get called in when they needed me).  I know that this is the job I'm supposed to have and that all my prayers paid off!! Throughout my job hunt, I kept reminding myself that faith in God includes faith in His timing and here I was so frustrated that I wasn't getting what I initially wanted, but what I finally got was even better than I had hoped for!! SO BLESSED!!

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