Friday, October 11, 2013

I love Fridays!

I really wanted to be good about keeping the blog updated. And then work got busy and before I knew it, it had been months since my last post. But now it's Friday and I have time to catch up on stuffs. I saw this today and had to post it because it's exactly how I feel!

 And I love this too because I feel it describes most of my patients...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Trader Joe Treats!

The closest Trader Joe's is in Salt Lake City. It's about four hours away. Dan and I stop by whenever we're there, but it's not too often. A few weeks ago, My mom offered that I could make a list of treats I wanted and she would send them to me. I got her surprise package today and was so excited to see the above treats. Probably what I was the most excited about was the cookie butter. It's somewhat like peanut butter, but made out of crushed spiced cookies. She sent me a jar of smooth and a jar of crunchy. It's really yummy! Dan and I have enjoyed dipping ginger cookies into it as well as spooning it straight out of the jar. I bet it would be delicious to dip apple slices into it. I also asked for cinnamon pita chips because I saw a recipe for fruit salsa served with cinnamon sugar chips. It's made of diced peaches, strawberries and kiwi with a little jam stirred in too. That sounds like a fun summer snack!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Swedish Meatballs :)

Swedish meatballs have always been one of my favorite comfort foods, right up there with mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. I always looked forward to when my mom made them, or lately, when she got them from IKEA. When we were engaged, I tried to make them for Dan so he could experience the deliciousness, but they came out horrible! I used turkey for the meatballs and they were bland and a bit mushy, but the worst thing about them was the gravy. It had a strange, bitter flavor and gave Dan a stomach ache. Luckily, when we visited my parents' house during Christmas break, my mom served him IKEA's Swedish meatballs along with the gravy, lingonberries and mashed potatoes and he was able to see that they actually were yummy when done correctly. Last week, my mom sent me a recipe for them that she thought looked really good. I wanted a chance to redeem myself and this looked like a good opportunity. Dan and I made them for Sunday dinner today and they came out SOOO good! Exactly how I remember them and how they are supposed to taste!

We had them with egg noodles, lingonberry sauce and French green beans... and raspberry lemonaid!

Here's a link to the recipe... the only changes I made were to halve the recipe (since we weren't feeding vikings) and to substitute allspice for cardamom. I could eat these all the time! Next time we make them (which will be soon) we'll try them with mashed potatoes. YUMMMM!!!  

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Onesource Company Picnic

I was telling Dan about how when I was little, every year I'd look forward to my dad's company picnic at Holiday Hill. The fun activities included face painting, pony rides, games, clowns and lots of delicious food and buffets. My favorite was the ice cream truck where you could just go up and ask for whatever treat you wanted and they would give it to you for free (since everything was included). Today I had my first company picnic. We had pizza and swimming at the aquatic center (getting in the water felt so good since it hit 100 degrees today, toasty!) and then Dan and I did some errands in Idaho Falls. This evening, we had dinner (hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, potato salad, pasta salad, baked beans and soda with snow cones for dessert, yum!) but we left right as the Chuckars baseball game was starting since the weather was threatening (it ended up raining) and we're not really into baseball. Great day!

Friday, June 28, 2013

It's Friday!!!

Even though my job is awesome, I still LOVE the weekend and count down to it every week. It just feels so good to have a little break, sleep in and wake up when your body wants to rather than when the alarm goes off, catch up on things at home and do errands. Dan and I always say that we love chill weekends. Just for fun, I wanted to share two of my very favorite cartoons! I also love New Yorker Cartoons, but that's another post...

Saturday, June 22, 2013


For as long as I can remember, my mom has had a garden just about every summer. One year, she made us a little "house" out of sunflowers with a roof of morning glory flowers. I've never been a big fan of gardening, it seemed like a lot of work and weeding. For some reason though, this summer I've been wanting to grow some plants. I mentioned this to a friend in my Relief Society and she surprised me by giving me an extra baby basil plant that she had. It's been so fun taking care of my little "garden", watering it and bringing it outside everyday into the sun. Next year, I'm definitely going to do a full pot garden and I'm SO excited. Here's what I'm planning on growing...

This is probably what I'm most excited about! I love strawberries and this type of strawberry also has really pretty flowers. I don't think it gets better than that :) I'm thinking of growing it in a window box.

I definitely want to do an herb garden since I love cooking with fresh herbs. I want to have basil, chive and cilantro.

Peonies are so pretty and remind me of fluffy roses.  My mom has some that she dug up from her great uncle's home and they're still doing great. Talk about a family tree, these are family peonies since they've been around for generations. I've read that they can be grown in large containers, hopefully I can get them to grow and then come back year after year.

Other things I'm thinking about growing are lettuce, pansies and green beans. I just love the thought of being able to pick my own fresh produce and enjoy it for dinner.

Friday, June 21, 2013

7 years!!

I can't believe it's been seven years since our first date (well, seven years and a day for that) and the first time since we held hands and that we've been together!! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH DAN!!!! I'm sooooooooo glad you're mine!!! XOXOXOXO

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Nursing Job :)

Throughout high school and college, I always worked during the summer, saved up my money and then used it throughout the school year. The beginning of this year however, I knew my college graduation was approaching and I really wanted to have a job lined up for April. Given that I already had my RN license, I could even work a little during the semester if necessary. Dan and I discussed whether we should go back to CT or stay in Rexburg for the summer, but we decided to stay. We felt it would be difficult to find a nursing job in CT for just the summer months, while here I could work year round while Dan finished up school. As much as I would miss going back, I felt like this was the right decision for us. I applied online to the hospital here in Rexburg and I was positive that I would hear back, get called in for an interview and work there. Weeks passed and I never heard anything. I brought in my resume and letters of recommendation to HR. Every day I checked the hospital website for job openings. I was so excited when I finally saw a new job posted that I was qualified and brought in a cover letter. HR seemed really positive and said that I would probably be hearing from them next week. I waited and waited and never heard anything. When I called to follow up, I heard the position was filled. Meanwhile, I had a phone interview for another nursing position in town and then an in person interview. I was really excited since it was at a company that I had wanted to work at for years. I never heard back from them, which they explained during the interview would indicate I didn't get the position. I was really sad. It was so frustrating because I wanted to be able to use my degree and work as a nurse, but pretty much all the open nursing position wanted experience and I didn't have that. I applied to lots of different nursing jobs online, but didn't hear back. At this point, I decided that I should just try to get any job so I would have something. I interviewed for a lifeguarding and swimming instructor position as that had been my summer job for years. The morning that Dan and I were leaving to go back to CT for his birthday, I got a call from the pool with a job offer. I was really happy since I at least had a summer job. A few hours later (while we were driving down to SLC airport), I finally got a call from one of the nursing jobs that I had applied for! They wanted me to come in for an interview. I explained that I was going out of town, and scheduled my interview for as soon as I got back. It was a home health and hospice position. My interview was on a Friday and I felt like it went really well. The nurses who interviewed me were really nice, funny and commented multiple times how well I would fit in with their other nurses and that the patients would love me. Given how things went, I would have been confused if I didn't get the job (since everything was so positive) but I still didn't want to totally get my hopes up. On Saturday and Monday, I went to training at the pool. On Monday when I got out, I was excited to see a missed call from an Idaho number and a voicemail. I listened to it and it was the home health agency telling me to call them back about the position. I did and I was SOOO happy when they offered me a full time nursing position!!! Yes!!! Finally!! I've been training with other nurses who work there and after next week, I'll be on my own. I just feel SO blessed to have this job!! I really like it, all the people I work with are awesome, the hours are flexible and it's perfect that it's full time (the hospital positions I applied to were prn, meaning there were no guaranteed hours but rather I would get called in when they needed me).  I know that this is the job I'm supposed to have and that all my prayers paid off!! Throughout my job hunt, I kept reminding myself that faith in God includes faith in His timing and here I was so frustrated that I wasn't getting what I initially wanted, but what I finally got was even better than I had hoped for!! SO BLESSED!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monster's University Review

 Dan wrote this awesome review of Monster's University (coming out on Friday, June 21st) and we thought our blog was the best place to post it since it documents us and our activities. If you haven't seen the movie yet, it's best to wait until after to read this as it might contain some spoilers!

Here's Dan with the logo two years ago at Disney World. It didn't disappoint!!!
My Monster’s University Review

3 words- Pure Pixar Magic. Monsters University is an extremely well crafted movie and does what Pixar does best. They have again made a film that entertains and touches the hearts of people of all ages.

            Is Monsters University better than Monsters Inc? Of course not. And it’s not trying to. For what it is though, it’s dang close to being on the same level. The original was so, well original, and different then anything we had seen at the time. Now, instead of getting a new genius world introduced, we get to return to a familiar genius world and learn much more about it. The creators of this movie did not want to make a Monsters Inc rehash. They wanted this to be a totally different experience from the first. And how original to do an animated college movie (never been done before) that could be for all ages? That’s no easy task. It’s the perfect setting for that time in ones life when you are trying to figure out who you are. Instead of trying to top Monsters Inc, this movie respects it and stays true to/expands the world and relationships we saw in the first movie. I consider it the first chapter to one big story that finds its emotional and epic climax in Monsters Inc. Monsters University truly enhances the original and now when I watch MI, I have a whole new perspective and understanding of these great, loved, hilarious characters Mike, Sully and others. I love how this movie opens with Mike and ends with Mike and how it is mostly his story of growth (while still being about his relationship with Sully of course). In Monsters Inc, the movie is mostly Sully’s as it opens and closes with him (while continues to deepen his and Mike’s friendship). Great storytelling.
            Monsters University is brilliant, clever and a perfect character driven prequel. It hits the story and emotional beats perfectly. The characters are fantastic and bring SO much heart to the film. Each new character is so funny in their own way and the voice acting and animation is incredible and top notch. The movie is perfectly paced and went by so fast for me. I couldn’t believe it was already over! It’s engaging, the action scenes are brisk and non-lingering and you can’t wait to see what happens next. The story may seem like just a college movie-with the loser frats against the popular frats- but there is so much more than that. Yah, all the classic college stereotypes are there but in a monsters world way. It is very clever, relatable and there is SO much going on in each shot that it’s a joy to look at/watch. I can’t wait to see it again to catch even more details (and more brief cameos/references from MI).
            The main messages and heart of this movie are incredible. Yah, the heart and emotion does not come from the adorable Boo and is probably not going to make you cry, but it’s a different type of heart that’s maybe even more relatable for me.
I could not relate more to the messages of this movie. As you see from the first Monsters Inc, Mike is not a “scarer”. Sully is. What you didn’t know until now is that Mike desperately wanted to be a scarer and worked his whole life to reach that goal. It was his lifelong dream. But here we see that Sully would not be the Sully we know without Mike and Mike would not be who he is with Sully. They need each other and play off each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately one of the main messages (which is SO different than anything I’ve seen before in a movie-especially a Disney kid’s movie that typically says “wish upon a star and your dreams will come true”) is that sometimes life DOESN’T work out the way you wanted and planned even through all the hard work. Messages that say “you can do anything if you set your mind to it” are great and sometimes true but I think this gives a more realistic view on it-that it doesn’t always happen the way you thought it would. We see Mike fail and basically ask “where do I go from here” and he ends up taking a new and different opportunity that works out probably even better in the long run. This movie is about doors (opportunities) in life closing (and closing hard) but also that new, unexpected and better doors are usually waiting around the corner. It’s about becoming what we were meant to be instead of who we thought we were meant to be. How many of us ended up exactly where and how we planned it without any diversions? How many of us wanted to be rock stars, doctors, astronauts, professional athletes, movie directors, etc…and didn’t end up there? Many have…but probably more have not. And those who did not, through detours, hard work and perseverance found something that fit them better and are probably better off. I relate because this is exactly what I’m going through in my life. I am trying to figure out what I’m meant to do-and I know I will probably be somewhere I never expected. Even my wife Brita, yes she achieved her childhood dream of being a nurse…but getting there has had twists and turns. She thought she was meant to be in one area of nursing at the hospital but has found joy in a new and different area of nursing (home health) because of a “door” opening. Yah it wasn’t how she planned it-but we are grateful because it is better than any job she previously failed at getting.
            Another heartfelt message this movie has is that everyone has different talents and abilities that contribute to the world. Not one of us is the same. I loved that and it meant so much to me because I have gotten down on myself because I don’t have that talent, or that one, or that one, and that guy is better than me at whatever…but this movie reminded me that I have something special and unique to ME to give. I also loved the other beautiful messages of friendship and acceptance that are found throughout the entire film.
            This is a strong movie for me and goes in unexpected ways. It is deeper than one would expect and I could see it over and over and catch something new every time. I loved the turns the movie goes through until the end and I loved that Mike and Sully had to work together to get through one of the main dilemmas in film’s engaging finale. It is non-stop fun, laugh out loud funny, relatable, fast paced and heartfelt from beginning to end. I could not stop smiling at the brilliant and creative Monster campus they created around such a fun story with characters you won’t soon forget. The amazing music by Pixar vet Randy Newman (Toy Story) really enhances the emotion with his memorable, upbeat, catchy score (mostly in the style of a college band) that will make you leave the theater humming.
             An instant classic and a great follow up to one of the best animated movies, Monsters Inc. Sequels are not easy and prequels are even harder because you know where it ends…but Pixar did it.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day!!

I love my dad! I wanted to share some thoughts about him... My mom told me that when I was a toddler, she'd have me wake him up by free falling on him, sorry dad! I remember always loving to climb up him and get up to sit on his shoulders. Once I fell asleep sitting on them. I'd also give him scalp massages. When I was little, he taught me how to ride a bike. I haven't crashed yet. My dad always worked hard to be a provider for our family and let my mom stay home with us kids. Often, he would be at work before I woke up and come home late at night. I'm so grateful that he and my mom joined the church and raised us in the gospel. He makes the best grilled BBQ chicken. When I was about to start the nursing program, my dad wanted me to have a good car since he knew I'd be driving to the hospital for clinicals every week. He gave me his car since he knew how good it was. He also researched and had me get the best snow tires for it, since it's snowing pretty much the majority of the year in Rexburg. I never skidded on the icy roads, even when cars around me were spinning out. My dad has also spent many hours setting up and working on my laptops over the years. Another special memory I have of him is when Kersti and I visited him in his apartment in Maryland on our road-trip across the country. He had the guest bedroom's air mattress all set up and waiting for us and even got us bath robes from IKEA so we could use them while we stayed with him. He had lots of fun plans for us and we had such a great time with him. He also fixed the two light bulbs on my car that had burnt out during the drive. For my wedding, it was special to dance with him and to have him choose the song that we danced to. I love you Dad and thanks for everything that you've done and continue to do for me!!

My father in law is also very special to me! He is one of the most generous people I know and is so hard working. I really admire his love and knowledge of the gospel. He has driven so many times to JFK airport to pick me up, even when Dan was on his mission. Each fall, he takes his daughters and daughters in law on a back to school shopping trip and out to dinner. This past year was my first shopping trip with him and it was so fun. He also gets me Zacs (the best frozen yogurt ever) and treats us to movies and delicious meals too. He always puts everyone else before himself and does so much for those around him. I love him and am so grateful for all he does for us!!

As soon as I started dating Dan, I could tell what an awesome dad he would be! That's one of the many reasons why I married him, since that was an important quality to me. Dan is so good with all his nieces and nephews and they all adore him. Even though it will be a few years until we have kids, Dan is already collecting fun Pixar toys for them. He always says that he had the best childhood and wants our kids to be able to enjoy that too. I love how Dan appreciates the magic in life and will never outgrow that! I feel so lucky that he will be my kids' dad and I love him sooooo much!!! Happy Father's Day!!!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Candle Love

It's no secret Dan and I are obsessed with candles! We always have candles around our place. I think that candles are one of those things that really make a house a home. They are so cozy and I love how delicious they make everything smell. We especially like Yankee Candle, since they make some really yummy ones. It's always fun for us to go in their store and smell their new scents. The food scents are our faves hands down (I think every single one we own is either a baked good or a fruit). We also like to burn certain candles with each season. The other day, I organized my candle collection and took some pics to document.

Here are my fall scents. I think overall, this is my favorite season for candles. After a hot summer, I'm always looking forward to a cool, cozy, crisp fall and candles are one of the coziest things ever. Most of my scents here are pumpkin variations (pumpkin buttercream, vanilla pumpkin, spiced pumpkin). I love how pumpkin works for both Halloween and Thanksgiving. I also like apple and spiced fruit scents too.

Holiday candles are also fun, love my Halloween swirl candle :)

Here are my Christmas candles. Christmas Cookie is probably my fave of these, it smells just like a sweet sugar cookie. Dan grew up smelling Christmas Morning, so that candle always brings back holiday memories for him.

And these are the Winter candles. I love baked goods here, like Shortbread Cookie, Almond Biscotti and Brown Sugar and Spice. Since my birthday is in January, I like to burn Vanilla Cupcake around then.

These are my Spring/Easter candles. Love the bunny ears on the Bunny Cake. It seems these candles are either strawberry or bunny related :)

And here are my summer candles. I find that a lot of the spring and summer scents are good for both seasons. Almost off of these are some type of fruit, like Orange Dreamsicle, Vanilla Lime and Lemon Pound Cake.

And as far as my faveorite, while there are lots of scents I love, Blueberry Scone is the best! It's the perfect balance of blueberry and buttery, sugary baked good. I need to get a bigger jar of this one. The runner up (and my fave fall scent) is Apple Pie. It's a delicious blend of apples, species and you can even smell the crust. Love our candles!

Friday, June 7, 2013

1 year anniversary!!


I can't believe it's already been a year since we got married! Our wedding day was so perfect and magical and this has definitely been the best year of my life! Thanks babe! XO

Since Dan and I both had work on our anniversary (and Dan had to work late), we decided to celebrate the night before. I picked Olive Garden since I had been craving it and it was definitely the right choice! Yum, so good! Dan got stuffed chicken marsala and I got chicken roma. Of course we also got soup (their chicken gnocchi might be one of my favorite soups ever), salad and lots of yummy breadsticks. We also split a strawberry cream cake for dessert. 
Before I left for work today, I surprised Dan with The Art of Monster's University. He was so excited since he loves Pixar and can't wait for the movie to come out. He read the whole thing while I was gone and enjoyed getting a behind the scenes peek!
When I got home, Dan surprised me by getting the cutest summer decorations for our place! There are so many different styles of summer decorations and we weren't quite sure of our vision, but then Dan had the awesome idea to do a country theme and I love it. He got me adorable sunflowers in a milk jug, bumblebees peeking out of a bucket and the delicious mango peach salsa candle! What's even sweeter is that he walked (since I had the car) ALL the way to the craft store since he really wanted everything to be waiting for me! He's the best!

And that was our day! One year down, eternity to go!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

91st Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my sweet Grandmother! I hope I look half as good as her when I'm 91 years old. Last summer, I stayed as her aide, and I wanted to write down some of the cute, funny things she said so I can remember them!

*When I went to see her one evening, I was surprised to see her in the movie room. The movie Casablanca was playing, and she had fallen asleep watching it. When she woke up a few minutes later, I said "Hi Grandmother, you're watching Casablanca" to which she replied "NO" in a super defensive voice. Then she looked at the screen again for a few seconds and admitted "well, maybe something like it."

*One of my Grandmother's favorite things was for me to tell her stories about when she was younger. Some of them she remembers and adds her memories to, others she does not recall but still enjoys. Once when I was telling her the story about when she took the train down to visit her husband in the military, and he snuck out of his base to see her, I asked her if she remembered it. "No" she replied, "but it sounds like something we would have done!" Another time when I was telling her a story, she said "I think this is why we have children and grandchild, so they can tell us our stories when we forget."

*I was trying to help her sign a birthday card for her daughter in law, Lin, but instead she wrote "Dear Lori, Happy Birthday!" Then she wrote another word I could not read and then "Love, Mother" I asked her about the word and she couldn't read it either and asked for her reading glasses. She put them on and immediately told me the word she wrote was "dictionary." I asked her why she wrote dictionary in a birthday card, and she responded, "because there are a whole dictionary of words between Happy Birthday and Love, Mother."

*One evening, she asked for a cup of tea, so I made her one. Then she asked me to make another cup for her sister Gina (who passed away many years ago). I explained that and said that if Gina were here, I would make her tea, but since she wasn't here with us any more, I wouldn't. My Grandmother replied "well, that's just her tough luck!"

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trevor and Kendall's Wedding

This past weekend, we were invited to our friends Trevor and Kendall's wedding. Dan was companions with Trevor on his mission. We also went to their sealing, which was really special since the last (and only) time we attended one, it was our own. Seeing their wedding also made me think about ours and everything that has happened this past year. I'm so grateful for my sweet, precious husband and married life is the best!

P.S. For some reason, I've been into making photo collages lately :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Monster's University Advanced Screening!

Monster's Inc has always been my fave Pixar movie, so obviously I was really excited when I found out they were making a prequel, Monster's University. This past weekend, Dan saw that Pixar was doing an advanced screening for college students in Salt Lake City. Since it's only about a three hour drive, it was totally worth it for us to head down and see Monster's University two months early. We were one of the first in line to get tickets so we were able to pick out great seats. Then we hung out at the mall until it was time for the movie. Dan's cousin Jake and his wife Jordan saw it with us which was super fun. We LOVED it! I can't share any spoilers (like that Sulley sheds) but it was awesome and Dan and I couldn't stop talking about it after. It was fun learning more about Mike and Sulley and seeing their personalities and friendship develop. It had so many great messages too(I love how all the Pixar movies always have that). It was 99% done, I guess some of the score isn't there yet, and now we're super excited to see it finished in the theater! We hit up The Pie with Jake and Jordan for some cheesy bread and then watched Monster's Inc at their house lol. Such a perfect little trip down to Utah!! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Years!

We celebrated New Year's Eve with Dan's family at his sister Meg's house. We had such a fun time!
Meg and her husband James made yummy lasagna and garlic bread, soo good!
Dan's niece Evie was decked out :)
Dan and I were so excited to see the Snow letter set we made and gave Meg for Christmas displayed on her mantel. 
Dan playing games with his nieces and nephews and Meg and James putting in my hair tinsel. 
Toasting in the New Year (with a little help from Dan's brother Rob)