Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dan's back!!

For the past two weeks, Dan has been in CT. He was working on campus this summer but since it's the seven week break between Spring and Fall semester he was off work and I felt like he could get a lot more done back at his house than if he was just in our apartment all day while I was at work. Dan's really good about being productive and cleaning the place, but there's only so much to do. In CT, he could work for his Dad and brother and I thought it would be nice for him to get to spend some time with his family too. Although I missed him tremendously, it just made more sense. A big thanks to our friends Liz and Drew and Liz's mom for inviting me over for dinner and games and giving me something to do besides work while he was gone!

So Dan got back this afternoon. Here's a little conversation we had that I thought was funny and wanted to document...

Dan: I'm gonna put on my basketball shorts

Me: I knew you were gonna wear those

Dan: 'Cause they're the coziest. They're not pajamas and they're not jeans.

Me: I disagree with that statement

Dan: They are pajamas?

Me: No

Dan: They are jeans?

Me: No

Dan: Oh! Sweatpants are the coziest?!