Sunday, June 20, 2010

More news from Dan!!

6/10/10- "We had very good studies together, made out new planners (which was fun! They look good :) and then got out tracting for an hour and a half! No one was too interested but we got some contacts. We came back for lunch, I had a tuna sandwich and we played a Disney trivia game that Sister Tucker has! It comes in a round tin box, it was super fun! It's pretty outdated though... it's from like '97 so it doesn't have trivia from more recent movies. I bet they have a newer version! I love trivia games (well, with trivia to stuff I know about like Disney, Toy Story, Star Wars, ect...) Guess what? I actually won! It was great lol."

"I got 2 packages waiting for me at the door!!! One was my GPS charger (which works perfectly!! We're already using it to find referrals we've received recently! Rodriguez said it's like the best GPS cause he knows his stuff! Thank you mom and dad!!) and one was something I had my mom order for Brita's care package that I'm sending off soon!! I couldn't believe how fast it got to me! I was really surprised! Mom is on the ball!! Thanks so much for helping me with that! We tracted for another hour (after eating dinner- just cheerios :( I can't believe another dinner cancelled), got a couple potentials, got our contact goal (actually passed it :), got a call from the Spanish missionaries who gave us a referral (!!!) and went to Skip's for a lesson! Oh no! How could I forget!? I got an AMAZING letter from my Brita too!!! Yay! That made me so happy! :) Happy day! From Skip's we went to LeAnn's and had a really good lesson there too!"

6/12/10- "We weekly planned and I got a surprise package package from my parents!! I have gotten so much package/letter love lately! I got 2 boxes of one of my fave cereals that I can't get out here- Chocolate Chex! Thank you sooooo much!! I loved my letters too! Yay! Elders Terry and Quick picked us up, we order a pizza, went to Walmart (Terry needed to get something), picked up the pizza and went to a baptism interview. Terry, Quick and I waited in the car while Rodriguez conducted the interview. After that was done, we went to their ward building around the corner and enjoyed our pizza! Yummy! We just pulled up a table in the gym, got a pitcher of water and some napkins from the kitchen and ate it there. Lol only on a mission right? They dropped us home and we rode up near Russ to tract by him. The funniest part was a house that had a parrot right in front of the door in a cage that talked! The people weren't even home, so we just talked to it and laughed for like 10 minutes lol. It said "hello", "hi" and it meowed like a cat, whistled and clicked, did the flirty whistle (you know that one?) and made all the craziest/ funniest sounds! Super fun! Oh yah, it even laughed like a human! It was sooo creepy and sounded like a computerized male laugh! hahaha that was great. We tracted for 2 hours and went to Russ' for our lesson/ dinner at 5:30pm. It went great! He's still all for it and sooo happy these days!!"

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